English 1101: Argument and Interpretation



Schedule of Assignments and Due Dates


The Gordon State College Writing Handbook


Essay Assignments:

Essay 1: Fiction Summary

Essay 2: Creative Non-fiction Interpretation

Essay 3: Compare and Contrast

Essay 4: Film Review

Essay 5: Narrative

Essay 6: Mandatory Revision


Sample Essays:

Fiction Summary

Creative Non-fiction Interpretation

Compare and Contrast

Film Review

Narrative 1

Narrative 2

Revision (with cover page and underlined changes)            


      Links of Interest:

           Full text of “The Great Silence”

           Full text of “The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling”

           Full text of “Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom”

     The Arecibo Observatory

                 Learn about the Arecibo Observatory here

                 The Fermi Paradox

                 Allora and Calzadilla at the 2011 Venice Biennale

                 Allora and Calzadilla’s “The Great Silence”

                 Irene Pepperberg discusses Alex

                 Irene Pepperberg on Parrot Intelligence

                The Fall of Arecibo

                 Clynes and Kline’s “Cyborgs in Space”

                 Donna Haraway’s “A Manifesto for Cyborgs”

                 Solomon Shereshevskii’s incredible memory

                 “For Want of a Nail” nursey rhyme

                 The Universal Wave Function

                 The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics

                 Sidney Lumet’s Q&A

                 Martin Scorsese’s The Departed

                 Woody Allen’s Radio Days and the submarine sighting

                 The Moon’s Formation

                 Nasa vapor tracer experiments; TMA experiments here

                 Noh theater

                 Rei Kawakubo retrospective at the Met

                 The Gold Diggers of Broadway (1929)

                 An Introduction to the Shakers

                 Watervliet West Family Shaker Site FOR SALE

                 Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty

                 Understanding Smithson’s non-sites

                 The Great Salt Lake


In-class Writing Lessons and Handouts:

Comma Usage and Sentence Structure Writing Guide

Paragraph Composition, Unity, and Transitions

Annotated Continuity and Transitions Worksheet

How to Link Your Topic Sentences to your Thesis and Introduction

Writing with Sources

How to Quote

How to Write MLA Parenthetical Citations

How to Paraphrase

How to Avoid Plagiarism

How to Write Introductions

How to Write Conclusions


Online Resources for Essay Assignments 3 and 4:

     Stephen Glass essays

     Full text of Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”

     Medieval and Renaissance illustrations of “Death and the Maiden

     Judges 19

     Listen to Bob Dylan’s, “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”

     Lyrics for “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue

     The Pied Piper of Tucson

     Oates’s review of Smooth Talk




            Online Film Review Sites for Essay 4:

   The New York Times

   The AV Club


   The Playlist

               Roger Ebert’s reviews

               Leonard Maltin’s reviews



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Do you want to learn how to format your essays properly in MS Word? Watch this short video on how to use MS Word.