Dr. J. Franklin Williamson

Assistant Professor of History
About me:
I research and
write about 20th-century
German history, and I teach classes on European history and American
history. Whether you are history major or just taking my class to
graduate, I want you to explore the past but also think about what
meaning(s) that past might hold for the present, and why.
Curriculum vitae
Contact information:
Russell Hall 103C
Gordon State College
419 College Drive
Barnesville, GA 30204
Courses I teach:
Summer 2017 courses:
HIST 2111-A American History to 1865 (Online)
Summer 2017 Office Hours:
MW 7:30-8:30am (Online)
Fall 2017 courses:
HIST 1121-J History of Western Civilization to 1650 (TR 9:30-10:45)
HIST 2111-A American History to 1865 (Online)
HIST 2111-C American History to 1865 (MW 9:30-10:45)
HIST 2112-A American History from 1865 (Online)
HIST 3400 The Renaissance and the Reformation (MW 11:00-12:15)
Fall 2017 Office Hours
M 8:30-9:30, 1:00-2:00 (Online),
T 8:30-9:30, 10:45-12:15,
W 8:30-9:30, 1:00-2:00 (Online),
R 8:30-9:30, 10:45-12:15
About my teaching:
In my class, we will explore history while
also learning how to "do" history.
Through lectures, discussions, primary documents, and films,
will survey the broad outline of wars, revolutions, cultural changes, and
popular movements. Then we will dig a little deeper, closely reading
primary sources and thinking critically about how their words and ideas
complicate the "big picture." After you have had some practice finding facts and
interacting with pieces of history on your own, you will
have a chance to use those facts to form an interpretation, presenting your
conclusions to your classmates. Finally, I will ask
you to hone your writing skills by refining your ideas, structuring an
argument, and mustering evidence in support of their interpretation.
Click here for more information.
Selected past syllabi:
HIST 1121 History of Western Civilization to 1650 (Spring 2017)
HIST 1122
History of Western Civilization from 1650 (Spring 2016)
HIST 2111 American History to 1865 (Spring 2017)
HIST 2112 American History from 1865 Online (Fall 2016)
HIST 4300 History of Modern Germany
About my research:
My research centers on
collective memory and public mourning practices for the Second World
War dead in both West German and East Germany, from the 1940s until the 1970s.
Currently, I am working on a book tracing the history of state-sanctioned
memorial holidays and the debates over which war victims' experiences warranted
official recognition.
Click here for more information

The following list is a collection of websites that include
professional organizations, research foundations or archives, educational
initiatives, and avenues for bringing history into the public conversations.
Since these resources are not affiliated with Gordon State College, clicking on
the links will take you away from the College's website. But feel free to
explore them -- you might learn something new!
Historical Association
German Historical
German Studies Association
Society for
Military History
Goethe Institut
Library of Congress
Archives and Records Administration
Historical Education:
AHA's Tuning Project
AP European History
AP World History
Backstory with the
American History Guys
CSPAN American History
Digital NC
German History in Documents and Images

The Internet History Sourcebook
The Memory Palace
National History Day
New Georgia Encyclopedia
The So-What Question
The Vault
The Way of
Improvement Leads Home Podcast
Gordon State College Department of History and Political Science
Gordon State College
Last Updated: 3:08pm EDT June 12, 2018
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