Date of this Description/Syllabus: Fall 2012
by: Dr. Rhonda Wilcox
Honors House 104
(678) 359-5296
office hours: TR 12:30-1:45, 3:30-4:30;
12:30-2, 3:00-5:00
Course Designation:
English 2122H
Course Title:
British Literature II, Honors
Class hours per week:
Credit hours:
Division offering course:
Prerequisite for the course: Grade of C or better in English 1101; Honors Program
membership and/or permission of the Director of the Honors Program
If you need academic accommodations
for a disability, you should contact the Office of Counseling Services, in the
Student Center (second floor). Call Dr. Laura Bowen of that office at
Course description for college bulletin: A survey of important works in British literature from the
Romantic period to the present.
Teacher’s course objectives:
For students to gain a thorough
knowledge and genuine enjoyment of a representative selection of the best
literature of the time period;
For students to gain understanding
of the authors’ lives and the cultural milieux in which the works were
For students to acquire a background
for appreciating the varieties of literary genres and traditions;
For students to gain the skills to
inspire confidence that they can explore powerful literature on their own, both
for the sake of the literature’s aesthetic value and for the sake of the human
worlds the literature reveals.
Course Content:
The course plan is to focus on the
following authors: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, T.
S. Eliot, and James Joyce. We will also engage with the work of other authors
of the period, to be announced later (in fact, to be chosen by you). We will be
reading world-famous novels, stories, and poems; people have enjoyed them for
centuries. However, if you do not budget enough time for your reading, you may
start to view them as a burden rather than a pleasure. Instead, expect to take
a great deal of time—then relax and enjoy yourself. The best pleasures cannot
be hurried.
Required Texts:
Samuel Taylor. Coleridge’s
Poetry and Prose: Authoritative Texts, Criticism. Ed. Nicholas Halmi,
Paul Magnuson, and Raimonda Modiano. A Norton Critical
Edition. New York: Norton, 2004. Print.
Mary. Frankenstein: The 1818 Text,
Contexts, Criticism. 2nd Ed. Ed. J. Paul
Hunter. A Norton Critical Edition. New York:
Norton, 2012. Print.
Charles. Bleak House: An Authoritative
and Annotated Text, Illustrations, A Note on the Text,
Genesis and Composition, Backgrounds, Criticism. Ed.
George Ford and Sylvère Monod. A Norton Critical
Edition. New York: Norton, 1977. Print.
T. S. The Waste Land: Authoritative Text,
Contexts, Criticism. Ed. Michael North. A Norton Critical Edition. New York: Norton, 2001. Print.
James. Dubliners: Authoritative Text,
Contexts, Criticism. Ed. Margot Norris and Hans Walter
Gabler. A Norton Critical Edition. New York:
Norton, 2006. Print.
Grading: Class
participation/quizzes: 15%
Honors Project 30%
Exam: 25%
Exam: 30%
Standards: A=90-100, B=80-89,
C=70-79, D=60-69 (B+=88; B=85; B-=82, C+=78, etc.)
Your failure to do any assignment
listed above (except a limited number of pop
quizzes) will result in your failing the course. If you believe you have a
good reason for being excused from a pop quiz or other in-class work, discuss
it with me promptly; I will decide on a case-by-case basis whether or not to
keep the zero, excuse the quiz, or give a make-up with or without grade
Your Honors Project will be divided up into separate assignments which
will gain individual grades. For the project, you will research another author
of this period and, near the end of the semester, present information on this
author to the class. Each of you will work on a different author; thus, the
class’s knowledge of the literary period will be expanded, and you will become
expert on one literary figure in particular. We will be doing a variation of
“Meeting of Minds,” a program designed originally by Steve Allen and applied to
Honors Composition classes here at Gordon by Dr. David Janssen and his Honors
students. Since we are in a literature class, there will be some variation in the
plan. I will provide hand-outs on the
individual assignments (such as a progress report essay with bibliography) as
the class proceeds.
Your exams (midterm and final) will
include some “objective” questions (e.g. identifying quotations); they will
also include some discussion questions. Each will cover approximately half the
course work.
Attendance policy:
Without class discussions and lectures, you might as well read this literature
on your own. You will find that experiencing a group’s reaction to a piece of
writing is something that cannot be recreated through merely reading class
notes. This is not just a lecture class. Furthermore, you can contribute to the
class: thoughtful questions can be just as valuable as insightful comments (though
they should be the questions of a person who has read the material). Missing
classes will reduce your ability to contribute and will therefore lower your class participation grade. (Significant
tardiness or cell phone interruption will do the same.) Furthermore, specific
in-class activities will be used to help establish your participation grade,
and in most cases these activities must be carried out during a particular
class period. People that miss more than three weeks of classes normally cannot
keep up and fail the course as a result. In any case, my experience has been
that people in Honors classes truly enjoy talking with each other. If you must
miss a class, let me know beforehand if you can (or leave a phone or email
message even during class if need be); ask me or a classmate about assignments
so you can prepare in case there is a pop quiz when you return to class. My
home phone number is (404) 373-5328. My cell phone, alas, does not normally
work in Barnesville.
Student Evaluation of Instruction: Near the end of this course, you may be asked to evaluate
the instruction of the course. Your honest responses will help make this a
better course. Also, please feel free to make suggestions during the course. Remember, I want to hear from you.
English faculty of Gordon College views any form of cheating as a serious
violation of commonly accepted standards of honesty. (I. e., don’t be a
dirtbag.) All student work must be solely that of the person submitting the
work. Any giving or receiving of unauthorized help from others or from notes or
other materials during the course of taking a quiz, test, or exam or in writing
a paper will result in an F on the work; any use of forbidden materials such as
rough drafts during the course of in-class writing will also result in an F for
the assignment. Note that an F on the work involved in cheating is the minimum
punishment; a zero on the work is another possible consequence; if justified by
aggravating circumstances, the matter may be referred to the Academic Dean or
(according to a rule approved by the Faculty Senate in Fall 2009) the Dean of
Students. See the Academic Dishonesty Policy in the Academic Catalog (pp.
when source materials are used in the writing of papers, the student must
document such use of sources both by clearly indicating material being used as
quotation and by giving proper recognition when ideas or information has been
paraphrased or summarized; the following principles enunciated in the section
on avoiding plagiarism in James D. Lester's Writing
Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 8th edition, should be scrupulously
1. Acknowledge
borrowed material by introducing the quotation or paraphrase with the name of
the authority. This practice serves to indicate where borrowed materials begin.
2. Enclose
within quotation marks all quoted materials.
3. Make
certain that paraphrased material has been rewritten into your own style and
language. The simple rearrangement of sentence patterns is unacceptable. [It is
unacceptable to simply rearrange sentence patterns.]
4. Provide
specific in-text documentation for each borrowed item. For example, MLA [Modern
Language Association] style requires name and page for all in-text references.
Requirements differ for other fields . . . .
5. Provide a
bibliographic entry on the Works Cited page for every source cited in the
6. Omit
sources consulted but not cited in the text. This point is important.You do not
want your instructor leafing back through the paper trying to find your use of
a source that, in truth, was not cited. (140-41)
Furthermore, you must avoid collusion.
Here is a definition from the Humanities Division Chair: Collusion is defined as receiving excessive help to the point that
a work can no longer be considered the product of a single author and therefore
cannot be accurately assessed an individual grade. If I suspect a submitted
work to be the result of collusion, I reserve the right to refuse credit for
that work if the claimed author is unable to demonstrate sole authorship. A
good way to avoid this problem is to get help from the Student Success Center
rather than from family or friends.
I may decide to have you submit some of
your work to Turnitin.com. Terms and Conditions of Use may be found at http://www.turnitin.com/static/usage.html.
general, if you have a question, feel free to ask it. Also feel free to come by
and talk to me during office hours. My goal is for you to learn and to enjoy
Project assignments are italicized.
Week 1 (8/14-16) Course
introduction; background: The Romantic Era; Coleridge
2 (8/21-23) Coleridge; Honors Project
Subject Choice: Pick your dead Brit by Tuesday.
Week 3 (8/28-30) Shelley; Prospectus (two pages) due by Thursday
Week 4 (9/4-6)
Shelley; Interview expert this week or
next week or the following.
Week 5 (9/11-13) Background: The
Victorian Era; Dickens
Week 6 (9/18-20) Dickens
7 (9/25-27) Dickens; Report (two pages)
on meeting with expert by Tuesday
Week 8 (10/2-4) Midterm; more
[10/4: Last day
to drop classes without WF]
9 (10/9-11) Fall Break Mon-Tues; and
still more Dickens; Progress report essay
(1000 words with bibliography) due Thursday
10 (10/16-18) Dickens
Week 11 (10/23-25) Background:
The Modern Era; Eliot
12 (10/30-11/1) Eliot
Week 13 (11/6-8) Joyce
Week 14 (11/13-15) Joyce; Work on Honors Project script on the
selected authors
Week 15 (11/20-22) Work on Honors Project script; Thanksgiving holiday Thu-Fri
16 (11/27-29) Honors Project: Turn in
script by Tuesday; presentation Tuesday-Thursday
last day of regular classes is Dec. 3, but since this is a Monday, it will not
apply to our schedule. The college exam schedule runs from Tuesday through
Friday, with each class’s exam time being assigned by the college according to
the time of day the class is taught.
Exam: Wednesday Dec. 5, 10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Throughout the semester, additional
readings and writing may be assigned. Out-of-class essays and reports should be