Effective Date of this Description/Syllabus: Fall 2011
Prepared by: Dr. Rhonda Wilcox
Office: Fine Arts 202
Phone: (678)359-5296
email: rhonda_w@gordonstate.edu
Fall office hours: TR 12:30—1:45; 3:30-4:15; W 10:00—2:00
Course Designation: English 2121
Course Title: British Literature I
Class hours per week: 3
Credit hours: 3
Division offering course: Humanities
Prerequisite for the course: A C or better in English
Course description for college
bulletin: A study
of important works of British literature from the Old English period through
the Neoclassical Era.
Teacher’s Course objectives:
To acquaint students with seminal works of British
literature and the cultural milieux in which they
were produced;
To give students a background for appreciating the values
and concerns of modern literature by studying the traditions which
preceded it;
To awaken in students an interest in literatures and
cultures quite different from their own and an awareness of literary/cultural
richness and diversity; in short—
To have fun.
Humanities Division Literature Course Objectives
Course Objectives: Upon
completion of ENGL 2121, British Literature I, the student will have:
If you need academic accommodations for a disability, you
must first see Ms. Kristina Henderson, Student Counselor, in the Student Center
(second floor). Her telephone number is 678-359-5585.
Course Content:
course plan is to focus on the following works/authors; others will also be
Beowulf; Marie de France; Chaucer;
Julian of Norwich; Margery Kempe; Morte Darthur; Spenser; Shakespeare;
Jonson; Donne; Herbert; Marvell;
Herrick; Milton; Congreve; Behn; Dryden; Pope; Swift; Johnson; Equiano
, and others. These are literally world-famous stories, poems, and plays.
People have enjoyed them around the world. However, if you do not budget enough
time for your reading, you may start to view them as a burden rather than a
pleasure. Instead, expect to take a great deal of time—then relax and enjoy
yourself. The best pleasures cannot be hurried.
Text: The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol.
1. 8th ed. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt.
New York: Norton, 2006.
Grading: Class
participation/pop quizzes: 15%
First Paper: 15%
Second Paper: 15%
Midterm Exam: 25%
Final Exam: 30%
A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69. There will be some opportunities for extra
Your failure to do any assignment listed above (except a
limited number of pop quizzes) will
result in your failing the course. If you believe you have a good reason for
being excused from a pop quiz, discuss it with me promptly; I will decide on a
case-by-case basis whether or not to keep the zero, excuse the quiz, or give a
make-up with or without grade penalty.
Your first paper should not have outside
sources: it should represent your own response to the reading, supported by copious specific evidence from the
reading, including multiple quotations. The subject should be one of the pieces
of literature from our text; the specific subject choice must be approved by me
beforehand. A planning conference is required.
Your second paper will be a researched assignment. You may choose to do
either an annotated bibliography with oral presentation or a traditional term
paper. Again, the subject must be approved.
form for quotation, bibliography, etc., should be used for both these
Your exams (midterm and final) will include
some “objective” questions (e.g. identifying quotations, recognizing historical/biographical
information and terms); they will also include some discussion questions. Each exam
will cover approximately half the course work.
Attendance policy: Without class discussions and
lectures, you might as well read this literature on your own. You will find
that experiencing a group’s reaction to a piece of writing is something that
cannot be recreated through merely reading class notes. This is not just a
lecture class. Furthermore, you can contribute to the class: thoughtful
questions can be just as valuable as insightful comments (though they should be
the questions of a person who has read the material). Missing classes will
reduce your ability to contribute and will therefore lower your class participation grade. Furthermore,
specific in-class activities will be used to help establish your participation
grade, and in most cases these activities must be carried out during a
particular class period.If you must miss a class, let
me know beforehand if you can (or leave a phone or email message even during
class if need be); ask me or a classmate about assignments so you can prepare in case there is a pop quiz when you
return to class. My home phone number is (404)373-5328. If you cannot
contact me or a classmate, then read the next assignment listed on the
Student Evaluation of Instruction: Near the end of this
course, you may be asked to evaluate the instruction of the course. Your honest
responses will help make this a better course. Also, please feel free to make
suggestions during the course.
Remember, I want to hear from you.
If a specific title is not given, then read all the material by that author in
our book.
Beginning, not ending, page
numbers of the assignment are given.
Week One:
8/16-18: Introduction; Beowulf, page
Week Two:8/23-25:
Beowulf cont’d; Layamon, “[King] Arthur’s Dream,” 124;
Various artists,
“The Myth of Arthur’s Return,” 127; Marie de France, “Lanval,”
Week Three: 8/30-9/1: Chaucer:
General Prologue, 218; Prologues/tales for: Miller, 239; Wife of Bath, 256; Pardoner, 28
Four: 9/6-8: “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” 160; Julian of Norwich, 372;
Margery Kempe, 384
Week Five: 9/13-15: Malory, Morte Darthur, 439;
Spenser: The Faerie Queene
Book I, 719; “Epithalamion,” 907; Elizabeth I, poems, 688, 695
Week Six: 9/20-22: Paper One (short
essay) due; Shakespeare’s sonnets, 1063: sonnets numbered18, 29, 30, 73, 87,
116, 129, 130, 138, 147
Seven: 9/27-29: Midterm exam;
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, 1077
Eight: 10/4-6: Twelfth Night,
Last day to drop classes without penalty is Thu. Oct. 6
Nine: 10/11-13: Fall Break Mon-Tues; Jonson;
Donne: poems TBA
Week Ten:
10/18-20: Lovelace, Marvell, Herrick, poems TBA; Congreve, 2228
Week Eleven: 10/25-27: Herbert,
poems TBA; Milton: Paradise Lost Books
I, II, 1830; sonnets, “When I Consider…” and “Methought
I Saw…,” 1828
Week Twelve: 11/1-3: Behn: Oroonoko, or the Royal
Slave, 2183; Dryden, “Essay of Dramatic Poesy,” 2125; Pope: Essay on Man, 2540
Thirteen: 11/8-10: Swift, A Tale of a Tub,
2315; Burney, 2811
Week Fourteen: 11/15-17: Boswell:
Life of Johnson, 2779; Johnson, On Twelfth Night, 2764, and “[A Brief to Free a Slave],” 2849; Equiano, The Interesting
Narrative of the Life…, 2850
Fifteen: 11/22-24: Gray, “Elegy…,” 2867; Goldsmith, 2877; Thanksgiving break Wednesday-Friday
Week Sixteen: 11/29-12/1:Review; Paper Two (Term papers and/or oral presentations with annotated bibliographies) due
Final Exam: Thursday December 8,
Additional readings and writing may be
assigned. Please see your email from me for
information on Turnitin.com. And please check your email often.