Date of this Description/Syllabus: Fall 2010
by: Dr. Rhonda Wilcox
Fine Arts 202
email: rhonda_w@gordonstate.edu
Office hours: TR 12:45-1:45, 3-4; W 10-2
Course Designation: Colloquium
2994H (Honors)
Section A
Course Title: Feminism and Fantasy
Class hours per week: 2
Credit hours: 2
Division offering course: Humanities
Prerequisite for the course: Honors status or permission of the instructor
Course description for college bulletin: Humanities Colloquium: A colloquium on
selected topics in the humanities emphasizing the development of critical
thinking skills.
Course description for college schedule: This
course will explore the questions “What is feminism?” and “What is fantasy?” We
will discuss a variety of critical theories and evaluate a variety of works,
from Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea
world to Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. The class will be gender-friendly .
Teacher’s Course objectives:
To explore definitions
of feminism and fantasy; to examine a variety of texts and evaluate them in
terms of whether or not they constitute representations of feminism and/or
representations of fantasy; to evaluate the texts in terms of their aesthetic
qualities as well as their social and psychological perceptiveness; to heighten
awareness of the pervasiveness of the issues implied by these texts.
The overall purpose is
to learn from each other (teacher and students alike), to enjoy the art that we
encounter this semester, and to propel ourselves to further exploration after
the course is ended.
you need academic accommodations for a disability, you must first see Dr.
Kristina Henderson, Student Counselor, in the Student Center (second floor).
Her telephone number is 678 359-5585.
Course Content:
will read selected novels, view selected television episodes, and engage in
Required Texts:
The Tombs of Atuan, by Ursula K. Le Guin. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1970; rpt. 2004. ISBN 1416509623
The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin. New York: Penguin, 1969; rpt. 2000. ISBN
Woman on the Edge of Time, by Marge Piercy. New York: Random, 1976; rpt. 1983. ISBN
Dark Materials: The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman. New York: Knopf, 1995; rpt. 2007. ISBN
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, by Joss Whedon et al. (selected
episodes which may be rented or downloaded); 1997-2003.
Fledgling, by Octavia Butler. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2005. ISBN 1583226907
Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. New York: Little, Brown, 2006. ISBN 0316015849
Using the editions
provided by the bookstore will facilitate discussion (when we turn to a
particular page).
Grading: Participation (including attendance,
quizzes, and other work) 20%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Short paper (800 words or more, typed) 20%
Honors project (oral presentation required) 20%
Final Exam: 20%
Standards: A=90-100,
B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69
Attendance policy:
The word colloquium refers to the
idea of conversation. Class participation is essential to a colloquium, as the
percentage of the grade accorded it above would suggest. You will find that
experiencing a group’s reaction to a piece of writing is something that cannot
be recreated through merely reading class notes. Furthermore, specific in-class
activities will be used to help establish your participation grade, and in most
cases these activities must be carried out during a particular class period. I
do understand that some absences are unavoidable; if you must miss a class, let
me know beforehand if you can (or leave a phone or email message even during
class if need be); ask me or a classmate about assignments so you can prepare
in case there is a pop quiz when you return to class. If you miss more than
four classes you should not expect to pass the class. My home phone number is
(404)373-5328. If you cannot contact me or a classmate, then read the next
assignment listed on the syllabus. If you are in class, you will be expected to
take the quiz. I hope you will find that you do not want to miss this class.
Cell phones, Blackberries, and other electronic devices: So
that we can make the best use of our limited time together, turn off your cell phones and any other electronic devices before
class begins. Exception: Emergency personnel may leave theirs on and slip out
of class to take phone calls in the hall when necessary. If you have a job as an EMT (or similar
work), notify me during the first week of classes and be sure to sit near
the door. Also, if you have some other sort of emergency situation for
which you wish to stay in cell phone contact, speak to me about the problem
before the relevant class period in order to be granted an exception. All
students should remember that they will receive a class participation grade,
and cell phone interruptions disturb discussion.
Your honors
project should be developed over the course of most of the term. You are
required to have at least one planning conference with me and are welcome to
have more. You may, if you wish, write a term paper on any of a variety of
subjects: there is a considerable body of written scholarship on some of those
we will be studying (such as Le Guin and Whedon), and
you could, for example, discuss the work’s themes, characters, or structure.
You may also, if you wish, plan another type of project that demonstrates
thoughtful exploration of the subject. For example, you could yourself write a
piece of fiction that emulates qualities of one of the authors in terms of
style, setting, character, themes, and/or narrative structure; you could even
write an extra chapter for one of the books, if you like. You could attempt a
set of lyrics on the subject of one of the characters or themes. You could do
an audience study, devising a set of questions on matters important to you and
surveying and videotaping responses of various readers and/or viewers. You
could read an extra book and write a short paper evaluating it as feminism
and/or fantasy. You could provide a set of illustrations, writing a commentary
to explain your choices (Why this color palette? Why this texture? Why this composition?). One or more of you could write a
short play and others could perform it. You have great freedom in shaping your
project. You may wish to work in your own discipline and develop strengths in
your own area (e.g. art or drama). Start thinking now, and talk to me about
your thoughts soon. Especially if you feel a bit lost, talk to me soon. After
we bounce ideas around, you should be able to come up with a plan for something
you would be happy to share with others. Then you can slowly develop it
throughout the semester. It is a normal part of the process for there to be
false starts and re-starts as you search your way forward, whether in a
strictly academic or creative project. Give yourself time to think it through
and play around with the possibilities.
Week 1: 8/17-19 Introduction: general history of
feminism; general comments on fantasy; Earthsea: The Tombs of
Week 2: 8/24-26 The Tombs of Atuan; The Left Hand of Darkness
Week 3: 8/31-9/2 The Left Hand of
Week 4: 9/7-9 The Left Hand of
Darkness; Woman on the Edge of Time; Honors project planning conference
Week 5: 9/14-16 Woman on the Edge of Time
Week 6:
9/21-23 Woman on the Edge of Time; short paper due
Week 7: 9/28-30 His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
Week 8: 10/5-7 The Golden Compass; midterm
Week 9: 10/12-14 (Fall Break Monday
and Tuesday) His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
Week 10: 10/19-21 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “Welcome to the Hellmouth”; “The Harvest”; “Angel”
Week 11:
10/26-28 “Surprise”;
Week 12: 11/2-4 Fledgling
Week 13: 11/9-11 Fledgling
Week 14: 11/16-18 Twilight
Week 15: 11/23-25 Twilight (Thanksgiving holiday Wednesday-Friday)
Week 16:
11/30-12/2 Overview
discussion; Oral presentations; Honors project due
FINAL EXAM: Tuesday December 7,