Date of this Description/Syllabus: Spring 2010
by: Dr. Rhonda Wilcox
Fine Arts 202
email: rhonda_w@gordonstate.edu
Office hours:__________________
Course Designation:
English 2991
Section B
Course Title: Feminism and Science Fiction
Class hours per week: 2
Credit hours: 2
Division offering course: Humanities
Prerequisite for the course: Grade of A or B in English 1101 and a C or better in English 1102.
Course description for college bulletin: Humanities Colloquium: A colloquium on
selected topics in the humanities emphasizing the development of critical
thinking skills.
Course description for
college schedule: “A reading-intensive course that will introduce you to some
major trends in contemporary feminist thought, including feminist science
fiction. We will focus on feminist theories of language, the body, literature,
race and class. A welcoming atmosphere will be provided for people of all
gender affiliations: In other words, don’t worry; sign up boys.” –Dr. Alcena
Rogan, originator of the class
Teacher’s Course objectives:
To help students consider
various ideas about feminism; to appreciate the writing of a renowned feminist
science fiction writer; to understand how feminism and science fiction come
together in her work; to become more aware of the critical questioning of
society and literature posed by such writing; thus, to enhance skills in
comprehension and analysis.
The overall purpose is
to learn from each other (teacher and students alike) by reading and discussing
the novels and the critical work.
Course Content:
will read selected essays from an anthology of highly regarded feminist
scholars and two novels by a highly regarded feminist novelist.
Required Texts:
Butler, Octavia. Parable of the Sower. ISBN 0446675504
---. Parable of the Talents.
ISBN 0446675784
Warhol, Robyn R., and
Diane Price Herndl, eds. Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism. Rev. ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2007. ISBN 0813523893
Grading: Participation (including quizzes
and other work) 20%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Short paper on first novel (500 words or more,
typed) 10%
Short paper on second novel (500 words or more,
typed) 15%
Final Paper or approved project (oral
presentation required) 15%
Final Exam: 20%
The first
paper will be on Parable of the Sower; the second will be on Parable of the Talents. For each of these, the student must get
approval of a subject to write upon; the essay will be an unresearched,
specific response to the reading.
For the
third paper, the student will write a report on one of the essays in Feminisms not already covered by the
class. No two students may write on the same essay from Feminisms. If a student wishes to do another sort of project (e.g.
a traditional term paper with multiple sources, or a creative project), the
student may propose such a project to the teacher no later than three weeks
before the final paper is due. The length of a student’s paper reporting on an
essay from Feminisms should be
approximately 300 words; the length of any other project will be at the
teacher’s discretion, and will be decided when the student makes his or her
proposal (if the teacher approves the proposed project.)
Standards: A=90-100,
B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69
Attendance policy:
The word colloquium refers to the
idea of conversation. Class participation is essential to a colloquium, as the
percentage of the grade accorded it above would suggest. You will find that
experiencing a group’s reaction to a piece of writing is something that cannot
be recreated through merely reading class notes. Furthermore, specific in-class
activities will be used to help establish your participation grade, and in most
cases these activities must be carried out during a particular class period. I
do understand that some absences are unavoidable; if you must miss a class, let
me know beforehand if you can (or leave a phone or email message even during
class if need be); ask me or a classmate about assignments so you can prepare
in case there is a pop quiz when you return to class. If you miss more than
four classes you should not expect to pass the class. My home phone number is
(404)373-5328. If you cannot contact me or a classmate, then read the next
assignment listed on the syllabus. If you are in class, you will be expected to
take the quiz. I hope you will find that you do not want to miss this class.
Weeks 1-5 Introductory
material with Dr. Rogan
Week 6
(2/15-17) Dr. Wilcox’s introduction: general history of feminism; Parable of the Sower
Chapters 1-3
Week 7 (2/22-24) Sower, Ch. 4-8; Feminisms, Fetterley, “Introduction: On
the Politics of Literature,” 564-73
Week 8 (3/1-3) Sower, Ch. 9-18
Week 9 (3/8-10) Sower, Ch. 19-25; Feminisms, McKay, “Reflections on Black
Women Writers: Revising the Literary Canon,” 151-63
Week 10 (3/15-19) SPRING BREAK
Week 11 (3/22-24) Paper One Due; Feminisms, TBA
Week 12 (3/29-31) Midterm; Parable of the Talents, Ch. 1-4
Week 13 (4/5-7) Talents, Ch. 5-10; Feminisms,
Week 14 (4/12-14) Talents, Ch. 11-18
Week 15 (4/19-21) Talents, Ch. 19-24; Paper Two Due; Feminisms, TBA
Week 16
(4/26-28) Overview discussion; Oral presentations due Wednesday
Week 17
(5/3) Last day of regular class for M, MW, and MWF classes
FINAL EXAM: Tuesday May 4, 10:15-12:15