Dr. Office:
Honors House 104
![]() Spring 2019 Office hours: T 11:00-12:20, 2:00-3:15, 5:00-5:30; W 11:00-12:20, 4:30-5:30; R 11:00-12:20, 2:00-3:15 Editor, Slayage: The Journal of Whedon Studies (an MLA-indexed, refereed scholarly journal) See also the associated journal
Watcher Junior: The Undergraduate
Journal of Whedon Studies Past Editor, Studies in Popular Culture (a
refereed scholarly journal)
See below for course syllabi. E-Mail: rhonda_w@gordonstate.edu | Send |
To see a syllabus, click on the appropriate course title.
Words from Freshmen: A Student Peer-Reviewed Publication
English 4602 Foundational Authors: Shakespeare
English 3240 Nineteenth-Century British Literature
English 3220 Renaissance British Literature
Colloquium 2991 Humanities Colloquium: Detective Fiction: From Poe to Paretsky and Beyond
Colloquium 2991
Humanities Colloquium: Feminism and Science Fiction
Colloquium 2991 Humanities
Colloquium: Harry Potter and Folktale
Colloquium 2994H Honors Colloquium: Joss Whedon's Firefly: Genre and Culture
Colloquium 2994H Honors Colloquium: Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings: Literature and Culture
Colloquium 2994H Honors Colloquium: Feminism and Fantasy
Colloquium 2994H Honors Colloquium: Romantic Comedy from Shakespeare to the Present
English 2111H World Literature I
English 2111 World Literature I
English 2112 World Literature II
English 2121 F2011 British Literature I
English 2122H British Literature II
English 1101 Composition I
English 1101H Honors Composition I