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Communication 1110—Chap. 16 Quiz


      1.     Of all the kinds of speechmaking, __________ speaking is the most complex and the most challenging.

a.       persuasive*

b.      after-dinner

c.       ceremonial

d.      informative

e.       commemorative

      2.     According to your textbook, persuasion is a psychological process in which listeners engage in a __________ with the speaker.

a.       mental dialogue*

b.      situational disagreement

c.       cognitive restructuring

d.      feedback loop

e.       logical debate

      3.     That part of the audience a speaker most wants to persuade is called the

a.       specific audience.

b.      designated audience.

c.       central audience.

d.      special audience.

e.       target audience.*

      4.     A persuasive speech exploring the truth or falsity of an assertion is known as a speech on a question of

a.       value.

b.      opinion.

c.       evidence.

d.      policy.

e.       fact.*

      5.     Which of the following is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact?

a.       To persuade my audience that capital punishment is immoral.

b.      To persuade my audience that capital punishment should be the mandatory sentence for murder.

c.       To persuade my audience that capital punishment is never justifiable.

d.      To persuade my audience that capital punishment fails to deter people from committing murder.*

e.       To persuade my audience that capital punishment should be abolished.

      6.     As your textbook explains, whenever you give a persuasive speech on a question of value, you need to

a.       concentrate on convincing listeners who already share your view.

b.      organize the speech according to Monroe’s motivated sequence.

c.       conclude your speech by urging the audience to take immediate action.

d.      deal with all three basic issues of need, plan, and practicality.

e.       justify your value judgment against a set of standards or criteria.*

      7.      “To persuade my audience that it is unethical for politicians to accept trips paid for by lobbyists” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

a.       value.*

b.      policy.

c.       attitude.

d.      opinion.

e.       fact.

      8.     As your textbook explains, when you give a persuasive speech on a question of __________ , you can seek either passive agreement or immediate action from your audience.

a.       opinion

b.      policy*

c.       judgment

d.      value

e.       fact

      9.     Which of the following specific purpose statements is from a persuasive speech seeking passive agreement?

a.       To persuade my audience that factory farming should be prohibited.*

b.      To persuade my audience to sign an online petition against factory farming.

c.       To persuade my audience that the conditions of animals in factory farming are unethical.

d.      To persuade my audience that factory farming is morally wrong.

e.       To persuade my audience not to eat meat that has been factory farmed.

  10.     The __________ is the obligation of a persuasive speaker to prove that a change from current policy is necessary.

a.       burden of proof*

b.      strategic duty

c.       deliberative responsibility

d.      balance of practicality

e.       causal imperative 

  11.     Julio’s persuasive speech contained the following statement:

Shortages of prescription drugs have tripled between 2007 and 2014, according to the New York Times. In a survey of 214 doctors who regularly prescribe drugs for cancer patients, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that almost 83 percent couldn’t prescribe their preferred chemotherapy drug sometime within the last six months. More than half of those doctors said they had to substitute a more expensive brand-name drug as a result.

Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Julio address in this excerpt?

a.       visualization

b.      satisfaction

c.       practicality

d.      need*

e.       plan

  12.     Cliff’s persuasive speech contained the following statement:

Reducing the problem of bullying will require a combination of measures. To begin with, school personnel need to be trained to recognize the signs of bullying and to respond appropriately. In addition, students need to be reminded that bullying is everybody’s problem and that every student has a responsibility to report it to school officials. Finally, parents and teachers need to know how to empower students with appropriate ways to respond when they find themselves a victim of bullying.

Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Cliff address in this excerpt?

a.       plan*

b.      visualization

c.       need

d.      practicality

e.       problem

  13.     While attempting to persuade her audience to volunteer for a community literacy program, Sabrina provided evidence that volunteering takes only two hours a week and that employers look for volunteer service on résumés from job applicants. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Sabrina address in this section of her speech?

a.       need

b.      relevance

c.       practicality*

d.      clarification

e.       solution

  14.     Which of the following statements is most clearly directed at the practicality issue in a persuasive speech on a question of policy?

a.       My solution has three major steps.

b.      We can no longer ignore the seriousness of the problem.

c.       There are three ways to judge the morality of capital punishment.

d.      If my plan is adopted, it will be less expensive than the current system.*

e.       If the government knew what it was doing, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

  15.     In a speech seeking to persuade her audience to support the city’s ban on unlimited drink specials at local bars, Darlene used examples and statistics to demonstrate the seriousness of binge drinking as a problem on college campuses. Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Darlene address in this part of her speech?

a.       need*

b.      fact

c.       action

d.      value

e.       plan

  16.     Quentin’s persuasive speech contained the following statement:

Lowering the drinking age will reduce binge drinking among college students by making alcohol consumption a normal experience rather than a forbidden pleasure. In addition, appropriate drinking behavior can be discussed at parties where adults are present, while peer pressure will help keep students from drinking to excess.

Which of the three basic issues of persuasive speeches on questions of policy did Quentin address in this excerpt?

a.       strategy

b.      need

c.       action

d.      proposal

e.       practicality*

  17.     “To persuade my audience that the United States should devote more of its resources to ending world hunger” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

a.       policy.*

b.      opinion.

c.       fact.

d.      value.

e.       attitude.

  18.     “To persuade my audience that cheating on schoolwork is never justified” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

a.       value.*

b.      opinion.

c.       practicality.

d.      standards.

e.       policy.

  19.     “To persuade my audience that criminalizing recreational drugs has failed to prevent their abuse” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

a.       fact.*

b.      research.

c.       knowledge.

d.      policy.

e.       opinion.

  20.     “To persuade my audience that it is unethical for journalists to invade people’s private lives” is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of

a.       fact.

b.      attitude.

c.       value.*

d.      policy.

e.       opinion.

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