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From the Gordon State College Academic Catalog (2017-2018)


Academic Dishonesty Policy (from page 85)

When a faculty member becomes aware of an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member may penalize the act in one or any combination of four ways depending on the faculty member’s assessment of the severity of the infraction.


1. Assign a grade of F for the assignment and/or require remedial action by the student.

2. Assign a grade of 0 for the assignment and/or require remedial action by the student.

3. Assign a failing grade in the course.

4. Refer the matter to the Provost.


In addition, after having dealt with the act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member should send a brief memorandum to the Dean of the School identifying the student, the infraction, and the resolution. Academic deans will report egregious cases to the Vice President of Student Affairs for placement in student record and potential additional action.


If the student wishes to contest the faculty member’s decision, the student may appeal the decision to the Department Head and then the Dean of the School using the petition process. When the matter reaches the School Dean by faculty member referral or student appeal, the Dean may ask the Academic Judicial Committee to consider the matter and make a recommendation. As stipulated in the Student Code of Conduct found later in this catalog, the student may appeal the Committee’s recommendation to the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs. When the deliberations are concluded, the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Faculty will communicate the decision to both the student and the faculty member.


If the Vice President for Student Affairs receives memoranda reporting two different incidents of academic dishonesty by the same student and neither case is overturned by appeal in the Office of Academic Affairs, the student will be summoned to the Student Affairs Office for appropriate disciplinary proceedings.


B. Academic Dishonesty (from page 378)

Gordon State College recognizes honesty and integrity as being necessary to the academic function of Gordon State College. The following regulations are promulgated in the interest of protecting the equity and validity of Gordon State College’s grades and degrees and to assist students in developing standards and attitudes appropriate to intellectual life.


1. No student shall receive or attempt to receive assistance not authorized in the preparation of any laboratory reports, examinations, essays, themes, term papers, computer software, or similar requirements to be submitted for credit as part of a course or in fulfillment of a College requirement.


2. No student shall knowingly give, or attempt to give, unauthorized assistance to another in the preparation of any laboratory reports, examinations, essays, themes, term papers, computer software, or similar requirements to be submitted for credit as part of a course or in fulfillment of a College requirement.


3. Plagiarism is prohibited. It is assumed that the written work submitted for evaluation and credit is the student's own unless appropriately acknowledged. Such acknowledgment should occur whenever one directly quotes another person's actual words, appropriates another's ideas, opinions, or theories even when they are paraphrased, and whenever one borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials unless the information is common knowledge.


4. No student shall sell, give, lend, or otherwise furnish to any unauthorized person any material which can be shown to contain the questions or answers to any examination scheduled to be given at some subsequent date or time in any course of study offered by the College, excluding questions and answers from tests previously administered.


5. No student shall take or attempt to take, steal, or otherwise procure in an unauthorized manner any material pertaining to the conduct of a class, including tests, examinations, grade change forms, grade rolls, roll books, laboratory equipment, library materials, etc.


6. No student shall falsify any fact presented in any laboratory reports, research, examinations, essays, themes, term papers, or similar requirements to be submitted for credit as part of a course or in fulfillment of a College requirement.


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