Home   "The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice

must have strong wings." -Kate Chopin



you rock you rule

This syllabus is a contract between you, the student, and me, the instructor.

When you are in doubt about something related to the course, the syllabus is your first source of information about what is expected of you.


1.   Lateness:

 (a) No homework or essays will be accepted late! Homework & essays due by beginning of class on due date!   Homework not accepted late. Do Now & in-class quizzes/activities cannot be made up! As in 'never', as in 'no way', as in 'don't care' about excused documentations - this is why I drop lowest homework grade and lowest do-now grade! {Very rare exceptions will be made for hospitalization or traumatic event.}

(b)    The standing rule on late arrivals is that no student is to be barred from entering the classroom late, no matter how late that may be.  This should be true for all your classes but most definitely within the Dept of Humanities! Similarly, a student should not fail the course strictly based on attendance; however, I will pass around the roll to be signed everyday and missing the beginning of class could cause you to miss an easy quiz! In class work cannot be made up and since no work can be turned in late, it is in your best interest to be on time and prepared!


(c) Religious Holidays: Gordon State College acknowledges that the academic calendar can sometimes conflict with major holidays from among our diverse religious traditions. If a student must miss class due to the observance of a religious holiday, that absence may be excused. To be excused, the student must inform his/her instructors before the absence and make alternate arrangements for any work due at the time of the absence. An excused absence for the observance of a religious holiday does not excuse student from responsibility for required course work.   


 Marvin Martian Angry


2. Cell Phone Use:     

Turn off your cell phones. {Set to vibrate for extreme emergencies.} It is disrespectful to both the instructor and the rest of the class! If get emergency call, go in hall. But there will be some class days where you will actually need one to participate!

                 a.  Some class periods we may actually use our cell phone devices for an activity!

annoying cell phone guy



I strongly recommend that you seek my help during office hours or call me or email me. Please also take advantage of general help/advice from friends/peers/tutors, including the SSC which is above the bookstore! It is acceptable for a friend/tutor to read your paper and tell you your punctuation is weak or, even more specifically, that you are not using subject verb agreement correctly. However, as soon as they correct your paper for you, then both of you are guilty of collusion. (Peer reviews are the exception to this rule.) Alternatively, go to the Writing Center.

      a.       Remember collusion is giving or receiving inappropriate help with your work, especially if someone writes (or dictates) all or part of an assignment for you, or if you give or accept inappropriate help on a writing assignment.



4. Plagiarism:     bark bark

Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs! This occurs when you use someone else’s words or ideas from a copyrighted source. Whenever something is fixed in print within some medium (for example, a book, journal, electronic medium, song, movie, newspaper, or even a term paper written by a fellow student) the work is automatically copyrighted.  Plagiarism Examples


a.      Using copyrighted material as your own is at best unethical, and at worst illegal.

b.     You must turn in a brand new essay that is your own work and not an essay you wrote for a previous class or for a previous school!

c.     This is both stealing someone else’s work, word for word, paying for someone else’s work, or copying someone else’s work and taking someone else’s ideas without giving them proper credit through proper citations and references!

d.       This will earn you an automatic loss of 50% even if it is only one sentence or two words, but if it appears on purpose, you will earn an automatic zero and face possible expulsion! Remember it is very easy to cheat in today's Internet world and yes you may get 'away' with it but it is just as easy to get caught with Google and Turnitin!

e.   You must turn in your own work and work that you’ve done for this semester, not work you did during another semester for another instructor. Reusing your own work in different semesters will not be tolerated and will result in -20 points, and possible expulsion from my class!

f.      While paraphrasing, summarizing, and proper quotation usage will be discussed later, it is interesting to note that according to www.plagiarism.org :

A study by The Center for Academic Integrity found that almost 80% of college students admit to cheating at least once. According to a survey by the Psychological Record 36% of undergraduates have admitted to plagiarizing written material. The State of Americans: This Generation and the Next (Free Press, July 1996) states that 58.3% of high school students let someone else copy their work in 1969, and 97.5% did so in 1989. According to the Gallup Organization (October 6-9, 2000), the top two problems facing the country today are: 1) Education and 2) Decline in Ethics (both were ranked over crime, poverty, drugs, taxes, guns, environment, and racism, to name a few).

Non Creative Writing Also Known As Plagiarism

5.      All essays except A to Z (1101 assignment) must be submitted to turnitin.com. You can only send one file to Turnitin so put WORKS CITED at bottom of page NOT as separate file!

Here is how to first log in to Turnitin.com:

By taking this course, you agree that all required papers or other work may be subject to submission of textual similarity review and to be judged for plagiarism through Turnitin.com. I reserve the right to ask students to upload their work onto http://www.turnitin.com . In such instances, a student’s work will be entered into the database in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Regents.

     a. Printable: Turnitin.com Directions for Use (doc)

     b.      Create a Student Account

c.       Click on “Create Account” in the upper right hand corner of the page.

d.      Select “student” and click on “next”

e.      Fill in the course ID number (_______) and the password (_______).
1101 C1 MW930am = ID 22025290 & Pass Key 1101C1
1101 E1 MW1230pm = ID 22025335 & Pass Key 1101E1
1101 I1 TTH930am = ID 22025365 & Pass Key 1101I1
1101 L TTH 2pm = ID 22025384 & Pass Key 1101L
2122 D MW 11am = ID 22025419 & Pass Key 2122D

f.        Click “next.”  (Please note: the turnitin.com course ID differs from the Gordon section #.) 

g.       The screen should read “you have successfully joined the class” and ask you for your email address.  Use your GORDON email only, please. 

h.      Then select a password and make sure you can remember it (maybe choose the same one as your Gordon email password).

i.         Click “next” 

j.        Select a secret question and answer it; make sure you can remember it.  Click “next”

k.       Fill out your name. 

l.         Click next.

m.    Carefully read the agreement and, if appropriate, click “I agree”

n.      Submitting a Paper for Evaluation

1.  After logging in (using your new, personal log-in and password—not the initial one the professor gave you), click on the appropriate class.

2.  In the left-hand column marked “assignment list” click on the assignment for which you wish to submit a paper.  A description of the assignment will appear.

3.  Once you have determined the correct assignment, click on the small blue arrow under the word “submit.”

4.  Title your submission appropriately; then hit “Browse” and upload the document. (Note:  you can also submit a document through the “cut and paste” method.) When you have located the appropriate document, hit “submit.”  

5.  It will now take you to a failsafe page asking “Is this the paper you wish to submit?”  If it is, click on “submit.”  NOTE:  Turnitin’s technology might well compress your paper and change its font or line spacing and make similar small changes in its appearance at this point.  Such changes are normal and are expected by your professor.  Your professor can view the paper exactly as you sent it. 

6.  You should then receive a digital receipt with a number written in red.  Make note of that number.  You have now successfully uploaded a paper to turnitin.com.  If you wish to view the paper, you can do so through your portfolio.  Please note:  no changes can be made to the paper after it has been submitted.

o.      Some Hints about Dealing with Turnitin.com

1. Open an account today –students who chose to wait until the last minute to learn about

Turnitin.com usually regret that decision.

2. Remember, if all else fails, I can always take the paper via email up until the deadline but there will be points lost for me doing this verses you uploading it!

3. For some reason, it works better to go to the "secret" sign-in spot near the middle of the screen on the right side-- this is for when you return to this site to sign in AFTER you set up your account!

4. If your file is not uploading, try converting it to a different format. For example, if Word Doc not working, convert it to RTF or PDF. Or whatever may work.

Woman Pondering Writing

6. Your grades:

After the A to Z essay, grades will be posted on Teacherease. Use this electronic rollbook to check your grades! I will give you passcode to sign in a few weeks into the semester. Afterwards, please check regularly as it is possible for me to make a mistake! Once you create a passcode, I cannot access your account if you forget it!

7.  All assignments written outside of our classroom must be typed in 12 pt Times New Roman and DOUBLE SPACED must conform to MLA formatting guidelines. Any assignments that are longer than one page must be stapled.


8. But I am MORE special than everyone else in this class Policy:  

***Do not email me for special treatment (extra credit or to turn in work late) unless it is something I would do for the whole class or anybody in any of my classes.

**If you email me work, I cannot be held responsible if I cannot open the attachment or if it does not reach me. Also, the subject line must have your name and assignment name (ie Silverman narrative). IT IS YOUR RESPONBILITY WHETHER I GET AN ASSIGNMENT OR NOT AND NOT MINE OR THE COMPUTER'S! I can't read OPP files--only DOC & RTF! 



9.  Attendance:

All classes are mandatory and students are expected to be in class on time. If you miss a quiz or a test or any “in-class” work, you will receive a zero: no make up, including the midterm and the final which are in-class ONLY!

            a.       However, I drop the lowest homework/quiz grade.      

            b.      Students may withdraw at any time until the Withdrawal Deadline and receive a W.

            c.       If you drop before this deadline, you may take my class again if you so wish. If you drop after this deadline or fail the class for any reason, please do not sign up for my class again! You already had a bite at the apple!

            d.       In the event of a tragic loss, accident, or serious illness, it is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation of the event and turn in any missed assignments in a timely manner; however, I cannot give credit for classes not attended or work not completed. If you are just sick or absent, I don't care why- I have your lowest homework grade and paragraph grade dropped anyway!


10.  Do Now Policy:

When you (mostly 1101) come in to class, you will have a ‘DO NOW’ or "warm up"/bellringer exercise on the board. Go ahead and begin it. Usually this will be five minutes, maybe more. Coming in late & you will miss these easy points & receive 0.



11.  Participation Policy:

As the semester unfolds, we will review and learn more and more aspects of writing; thus, the grading expectations will continue to rise as I expect more and more from you as a student. Showing signs of improvement (ie listening and learning!) will get you a ‘boost’ in your year end grade! Usually this affects people on the edge of a grade: 69 becomes 70, 79 becomes 80, 89 becomes 90.


12.  Heading:

The proper heading must be at the top of every first page or minus 5 points: name, class section, date, and on essays add word count .


13.  Saving, margins, & Ink:

Back up your work as you go along and save in multiple locations to avoid doing it over again.

      a.       Whenever possible, type your work on a computer or a typewriter in 12 inch font, 1 inch margins, double spaced.

      b.      Please use the grammar and spell checks!

      c.       Homework questions or work in class can be done in ink, blue or black.

      d.      Any work done in PENCIL will NOT be graded! As in I am too damn old to see pencil anymore so please stop torturing me! 

     e.        Dropbox is a beautiful thing! 


14. Be tolerant: 

There will be a lot of opportunity for reading aloud, speaking one’s mind, and reading your own written words. Let’s respect each other! “Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax.” –Schopenhauer.

      Bashing or mocking of any group of people or customs just because they are different from your own or something you cannot understand will earn you an automatic “F” for that assignment! I do not tolerate discrimination against gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preferences, or ideology!!

15.  Question Icon DudePlease feel free to ask a question or make a comment as that is part of the learning process. There is no question too silly as we are all, including myself, here to improve and to learn!


 16.  Some pet peeves to avoid even though a few people will go ahead and use just to be both brave and foolish:

  (a) avoid you and your in a formal paper,

  (b) avoid contractions.

  (c) Also, use quotes correctly.  Quotes must be part of one of your sentences.

      Bad: “Healthcare costs will continue to rise” (Poohbah 21).
      Good: As Poohbah explains, “Health care costs will continue to rise” (21).

  (d) Do not rely on spell checkers to catch spelling errors.  Go ahead and use them, but a spell check program will not detect many misspelled words.  For example, it will not catch “sight” when you mean “cite” or “site.”  Alternately, if you write “reword” when you mean “reward,” the spell check program will not catch the error.

  (e)     Please avoid the use of the passive voice.  For example, instead of writing, “The woman was bitten by the fierce chipmunk,” write instead, “The fierce chipmunk bit the woman.” 


17. Important Resources


Title IX


Gordon State College is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences any of these incidents, know that you are not alone. All faculty members at Gordon State College are mandated reporters. Any student reporting any type of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking must be made aware that any report made to a faculty member under the provisions of Title IX will be reported to the Title IX Coordinator or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, you must contact the Counseling and Accessibility Services office, Room 212, Student Life Center. The licensed counselors in the Counseling Office are able to provide confidential support. Gordon State College does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy, parenting or related conditions. Students seeking accommodations on the basis of pregnancy, parenting or related conditions should contact Counseling and Accessibility Services regarding the process of documenting pregnancy related issues and being approved for accommodations, including pregnancy related absences as defined under Title IX.


ADA and 504


If you have a documented disability as described by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, you may be eligible to receive accommodations to assist in programmatic and/or physical accessibility. The Counseling and Accessibility Services office located in the Student Center, Room 212 can assist you in formulating a reasonable accommodation plan and in providing support in developing appropriate accommodations to ensure equal access to all GSC programs and facilities. Course requirements will not be waived, but accommodations may assist you in meeting the requirements. For documentation requirements and for additional information, contact Counseling and Accessibility Services at 678-359-5585.


House Bill 280


For information regarding House Bill 280, see the University System of Georgia at the following link: http://www.usg.edu/hb280


Religious Holidays


Gordon State College acknowledges that the academic calendar can sometimes conflict with major holidays from among our diverse religious traditions. If a student must miss class due to the observance of a religious holiday, that absence may be excused. To be excused, the student must inform his/her instructors before the absence and make alternate arrangements for any work due at the time of the absence. An excused absence for the observance of a religious holiday does not excuse student from responsibility for required course work.


Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library


The Hightower Collaborative Learning Center & Library offers Gordon State students specialized library research assistance. Students can meet with their personal librarians for one-on-one help in each discipline, major, or course to search and evaluate information sources effectively. Go to to schedule an appointment by clicking the Personal Librarian tab or click on the Presentation Practice Room tab to make a reservation. For immediate help, call 678-359-5076 or stop by the Circulation/Check Out Desk.


Library Hours: 

Sunday 2-10

Monday – Wednesday 8-10

Thursday 8-8

Friday 8-5

 Student Success Center (SSC)

The Gordon State College Success Center is committed to helping students achieve academic and personal success. Our mission is to support students at any level and of any ability in their course work and in the development of personal skills that will help them achieve their academic and life goals.


SSC Tutoring Hours:

Monday – Thursday 8-5

Friday 8 - 3

 Harry’s House (Food Pantry)

If you know a student in need of food and other needs, please have them check out Harry’s House located in the SSC Room 212. Their mission is to distribute food and toiletries to students to alleviate stress associated with short term food shortages. For more information and an application: https://www.gordonstate.edu/student-life/health-recreation/counseling/harrys-house/index.html


Harry’s House Hours

Tuesday & Wednesday
8:30-9:30AM & 3:30-4:30PM

 I encourage you to get involved. A simple donation will do. Some folks dont have basic items like: Toilet Paper, Laundry Detergent, Men/Women Deodorant, Toothpaste, Feminine Hygiene, Multicultural Haircare Products, Shampoo/Conditioner, Shaving Cream, Razors, Hearty Soups, Chef Boyardee, Single serve Macaroni & Cheese cups, Instant Oatmeal, Single Serve Cereals

Counseling & Accessibility Services

If you know a student in need of this, please have them contact these services. It does not go on a transcript and it is completely private. It is located in the SSC Room 212. Their phone number is 678-359-5585. After hour emergencies is 678-359-5111.


Counseling Hours

Monday – Friday 8-5


Joke About Tense in Grammar


18. Plagiarism Reminder:

Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Both are crimes committed against yourself, the original authors, and your fellow classmates. Plagiarism includes wholesale copying of texts written by others, as well as paraphrasing or using information from other writers’ work without proper citation; if you didn’t write it yourself, don’t use it without citing where you found it. If you cannot come up with your own answer during a quiz or exam, leave it blank. Acts of plagiarism or cheating during the semester may receive a 0 for the assignment and may result in failure of the course/referral to authorities, at my discretion. Additionally, there is also a condition known as collusion, which translates to receiving excessive help to the point that a work can no longer be considered the sole product of a single author.  If I suspect a submitted work to be the result of collusion, I reserve the right to refuse credit for that work if the claimed author is unable to demonstrate sole authorship. Please refer to the Academic Dishonesty Policy outlined in the Gordon State College Academic Catalog, which can be found on the My Gordon link on the Gordon State website