Dr. Mark A. Brinkman
Professor of Biology
Division of Math & Natural Sciences

Office: IC 235
Office Telephone Number: (678) 359-5848
Division Telephone Number: (678) 359-5826

E-Mail: mbrinkman@gordonstate.edu | Send

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Advisees can stop by my office during my office hours for advisement.  You do not need an appointment to come by my office.  My office hours are listed on the Gordon College webpage under "My Gordon" "Resources" then "Faculty Credentials and Web Pages."  We must have an advisement session before you are unlocked.  Please do not wait until the week before Final Exams for advisement.

Courses taught:

BIOL 1111K, BIOL 1112K— Biology for non biology majors        

BIOL 1107K, BIOL 1108K— Biology for biology and science majors     

Ecology 3500          

Invertebrate Zoology 3520     



Interests:  Invertebrates, Insects, Ants


Refereed Journal Publications:

Babb, M.E., C. Kang, M.A. Brinkman, C. Lee. 2014. Argentine worker ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mortality response to sodium salicylate and sodium cinnamate. Journal of Entomological Science 49(4): 1-10.

Brinkman, M.A. and C.G. Rogers. 2010. Bait preferences of ground-dwelling ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in central Georgia. Journal of Entomological Science 45(1): 51-53.

Gardner, W.A., S. Diffie, R.K. Vander Meer, and M.A. Brinkman. 2008. Distribution of the fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) hybrid in Georgia. Journal of Entomological Science 43(1): 133-137.

Brinkman, M.A. 2006. Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) worker attacks on post-nuptial red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) queens in Central Georgia. Journal of Entomological Science 41(4): 394-396.

Brinkman, M.A. and W.A. Gardner. 2004. Mortality of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) pest species exposed to sodium hydrogen carbonate. Florida Entomologist 87(3): 324-329.

Brinkman, M.A., W.A. Gardner, and R.M. Ipser. 2004. Red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mortality following exposure to sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3). Journal of Entomological Science 39(2): 188-201.

Brinkman, M.A. and W.A. Gardner. 2001. Use of diatomaceous earth and entomopathogen combinations against the red imported fire ant.  Florida Entomologist 84(4): 740-741.

Brinkman, M.A., W.A. Gardner, R. Ipser, and S.K. Diffey. 2001. Ground-dwelling ants attracted to four food baits in Georgia. Journal of Entomological Science 36(4): 461-463.

Brinkman, M.A., T.M. Jenkins, N.H. Granholm, and S.A. Clay. 2001. Genetic variation in Aphthona nigriscutis Foudras (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations introduced into the United States to biologically control leafy spurge. Journal of Entomological Science 36(4): 391-401.

Brinkman, M.A., S.A. Clay, and R.J. Kremer. 1999. Influence of deleterious rhizobacteria on leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) roots. Weed Technology 13(4): 835-839.

Brinkman, M.A., B.W. Fuller, K.G. Leubke, and M.B. Hildreth. 1997. Susceptibility of alfalfa leafcutting bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) to Beauveria bassiana infection. Journal of Agricultural Entomology 14(4): 393-397.

Brinkman, M.A., W.G. Duffy, and C.F. Facemire. 1995. Impact of phorate on the genetic diversity of wetland aquatic invertebrates. Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science 59(2): 11-17.

Brinkman, M.A. 1994. Observations of the plains topminnow in South Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist 26(4): 307-308.

more publications

links of interest:

2020 Science Olympiad helpers

2019 Science Olympiad helpers

2017 Science Olympiad Helpers

Georgia Entomological Society

Alex Wild Insect Photography

Invertebrates of the Compost Pile

Ecology class compost pile

Compost pile setup Week 0

Compost pile week 1

Compost pile week 2

Compost pile week 3

Compost pile week 4

Compost pile week 5

Compost pile week 6

Compost pile week 7

Compost pile week 8

 Biology class shark dissection:

shark dissection1.JPG

shark dissection2.JPG