Phonemic Transcription 1

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
Write the transcribed words in English.

1. /Ɵru/
2. /ʌðǝr/
3. /tajt/
4. /kǝntrol/
5. /siŋǝr/
6. /kjʊr/
7. /tʃælɔndƷ/
8. /rƐfǝri/
9. /æwtʃ/
10. /sajd/
11. /kaf/
12. /tʃozǝn/
13. /juz/
14. /kwajr/
15. /mIrǝkǝl/

Transcribe. The number that follows each blank is the number of characters in the transcription. (Remember that affricates count as a single character.)

1. reach // 3
2. seizure // 5
3. under // 5
4. terrify // 7
5. pirate // 6
6. manager // 7
7. comparison // 10
8. brother // 6
9. finger // 6
10. accuse // 5
11. year // 3
12. photograph // 8
13. thing // 3
14. sugar // 5
15. colonel // 6
16. reason // 5
17. thought // 3
18. pages // 5
19. knowing // 5
20. rebellious // 8