Useful Sites

Celtic History

Exploring Celtic Civilizations
     This is one of the books used for fundamental reading & preparation for the slide shows in this course.

Hallstatt culture


Ancient Druids

A brief historical look

Beliefs & practices

The Ancient Druids I
The Ancient Druids II
The Ancient Druids III

Druidism in Wales

Irish cromlechs as altars

Literature, Myths, & Legends

     Excellent site that contains stories from all 4 cycles, read as well as written.

     Contains information about Irish authors as well as mythology

Library Ireland

Celtic mythology

History & Myths involving the Oak Tree

Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal

Celtic Language

A comprehensive history

Roots of proto-Celtic


Site for those interested in Scottish Gaelic

Irish Gaelic

Article about frequency of Irish usage


Irish art in different ages

History of Celtic art



History of Celtic music

Songs in Irish Gaelic
     Here you'll find both Irish & non-Irish songs in Irish Gaelic, along with lyrics in both Irish & English & youtube links.

Iberian (Spain) origin of Irish

Galicia's Celtic heritage

Galicia & the Celts

The Celts in Iberia

Celtic genetics

Blood of the Irish

Celtic DNA

Documentary/Lecture Videos

13 Shocking Discoveries Made In Ireland - YouTube

A History Of Ireland Part 1 (Full Documentary) - YouTube

A History Of Ireland Part 2 (Full Documentary) - YouTube

A History Of Ireland Part 3 (Full Documentary) - YouTube

A History Of Ireland Part 4 (Full Documentary) - YouTube

A History Of Ireland Part 5 (Full Documentary) - YouTube

A Short History of Ireland - YouTube

ASMR - History of the Celts - YouTube

Barry Cunliffe: Who Were the Celts? - YouTube

Celtic History - The Origins - YouTube

Celtic Mythology - An Introduction to the Tuatha Danann - YouTube

Celtic Mythology - The Morrígan - YouTube

Celtic Shamanism, Irish Mysticism & The Faerie Faith - YouTube

Celtic Tattoos & Traditions - YouTube

History of the Harp : Harp History: Celtic Origins - YouTube

Irish History - "Bealtaine - Celtic Festival of Summer" - Part 1 of 9 - YouTube

Irish Myths & Legends (Full Documentary) - YouTube

The Best Documentary Ever - 1916 Easter Rising: Insurrection | History ( 2/3) HD - YouTube

The Celtic Languages - YouTube

The Celtic Legacy (eng/ser) - YouTube

The Celts - BBC Series Ep 1 - " In the Beginning" - YouTube

The Celts - BBC Series Ep 2 - "Heroes in Defeat" - YouTube

The Celts - BBC Series Ep 3 - "Sacred Groves" - YouTube

The Celts - BBC Series Ep 4 - " From Camelot to Christ" - YouTube

The Celts - BBC Series Ep 5 - "Legend and Reality" - YouTube

The Celts - BBC Series Ep 6 - "A Dead Song?" - YouTube

The Celts (2006 Documentary) Part 1of2 - YouTube

The Celts (2006 Documentary) Part 2of2 - YouTube

The Celts Blood Iron And Sacrifice With Alice Roberts And Neil Oliver - Episode 1 of 3 - YouTube

The Celts: Blood, Iron And Sacrifice with Alice Roberts And Neil Oliver - Episode 2 of 3 - YouTube

The Celts: Blood, Iron And Sacrifice With Alice Roberts And Neil Oliver - Episode 3 of 3 - YouTube

The Celts: In Search of History (Full Documentary) - YouTube

The History of Celtic FC - YouTube

The History of Ireland - Celtic Ireland [2of12] - YouTube

The Incredible History of Ireland - Documentary - YouTube

The Dark Tale of Bonnie 'Loch Lomond' : NPR

(8) Celtic From the West: Theory Overview - YouTube

(8) #ZeeJLF2017: Celts from the West - YouTube

(8) 88% of DNA in Ireland traces to ancestors who arrived in the Mesolithic period - YouTube

(8) Barry Cunliffe: Who Were the Celts? - YouTube

(8) Hidden Histories: What is a Celt? (updated) - YouTube

(8) New ideas on the origins of the Celts - YouTube

BBC - Scotland's History - The Kingdom of the Picts

Who were the Picts - and Where did they Come From? - YouTube

Witness the Winter Solstice at Newgrange | Visit Ireland's Ancient East

The Isle of Man -- Ancient Origins - YouTube

(46) Twelfth in Northern Ireland 2013 (BBC Documentary) - YouTube