Vocabulary 3


jornada                                journey

empacar                              to pack

maleta                                  suitcase

cuadra                                  block

anciano                                ancient

paloma                                 pigeon

junto a                                  beside

a punto de                          at the point of, about to

hambriento                        hungry

agradecido                          thankful

bello                                      beautiful

hermoso                              beautiful

sonrisa                                  smile

de nuevo                             again

oscurecer                            to get dark

percatarse                          to realize

irse                                         to go away; to leave

dar vuelta                            to turn around

atrás                                      back

hacia                                      toward

abrazo                                  hug

vida                                        life

sorprendido                       surprised

la felicidad                          happiness

contestar                             to answer

mientras tanto                  meanwhile

la paz                                    peace

añadir                                   to add


For the story but not on quiz:

 seguir sobre sus pasos – continuing on his way