
Gap-fill exercise

Change to the conditional.
1. llegan 11. crees
2. entiendes 12. ponemos
3. es 13. quiere
4. salís 14. estás
5. duermen 15. hacen
6. vais 16. piensa
7. puedes 17. tengo
8. empieza 18. veis
9. decimos 19. compramos
10. traigo 20. vuelves


1. I would like to announce that the king has arrived.

2. The child will accompany the widow to the wedding.

3. I can't sleep without your being here.
Yo .

4. You would have better grades if you studied more.
estudiaras más.

5. They haven't had a honeymoon, but they will go to Puerto Rico next month.
Ellos , ellos Puerto Rico el mes que viene.

6. He will buy the filling station as soon as he has the money.
El él .