Quiz 2

Listen to vocabulary & repeat.

If you're at home, record yourself & listen.

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maestro                        teacher

el día                            day

la clase                         class

escuela                         school

estudiante                     student

amigo                           friend

cosa                             thing

mundo                          world





hablar                           to talk, speak

mirar                            to look at, watch



Pronombres, adverbios, conjunciones


aquí                              here

quién                            who

a                                  to

y                                  and

en                                 in

de                                of, from

porque                         because




buenos días                  hello, good morning


) bien                    (very) well, fine

gracias                          thank you

hola                              hello

así así                           so-so

mucho gusto                 pleased to meet you

igualmente                    likewise

encantado                     delighted

cómo está usted            how are you

qué tal                                how are you, how’s it going