253: Part II; Our Car…


Passenger 1: Mr. Christopher Callahan


Outward appearance:


Tall, thin man in his early twenties with brown hair cut short, blues jeans, and a blue long sleeve shirt.  He seems to be thinking and could be a college student.


Inside Information:


Chris is getting on the train from college and is going to see an old friend in Paris.  He has not seen his friend in 3 months because they each go to different schools.  He has been looking forward to this trip for a long time.  They both were best friends growing up.  They realize that they wish they could live in the same city.  Chris is a business major who would like to move to Paris when he graduates in one year.


What is he doing or thinking:


He is thinking about how great it will be see his friend so they can catch up and hopefully live together once they graduate from college.  He has an ipod on and is listening to Green Day realizing the great times he has had with his great friend he will be seeing in Paris.



Passenger 2: Mr. Steve Berner is not even on the train…


Outward Appearance:


Average height, early twenties, has jeans and a t-shirt on with short hair.


Inside Information:


Is waiting in Paris in his apartment to meet his friend Chris and hang out and have a great time together.  He is ready to graduate from college and move on to bigger and better things.  He wants to get an apartment with Chris in Paris as soon as they both graduate from college.


What is he doing or thinking:


He is thinking about being done with college and moving on to living in Paris with Chris.  He believes this would be great fun.  Right now he is listening to some music and waiting for his friend to arrive.



Passenger 3: #33


Outward Appearance:


He is a tall, muscular man in his late twenties.  He wears a black suit and has short black hair and a goatee. He has piercing blue eyes that hide behind dark sunglasses.


Inside Information:


He was found by the Russian mob at a young age, about 15 and taken in.  He was brain washed and desensitized in order to carry out the mobs dirty work.  He was never given a name; he just goes by the number 33 due to the number of people he has “taken care of”.


What he is doing or thinking:


Cautiously he scopes out all the passengers on the train while steadily keeping an eye on his friend he just picked up to take back to headquarters for an interrogation.  His friend has betrayed the family by being friendly with another family and sharing information.  33 wonders if his friend has any idea what’s going on, he is sure he either thinks he is getting a promotion or is going to be interrogated (see passenger 6). 


33 silently thinks about how to go about the interrogation.  What form of torture should be used if he fails to talk?  Slowly removing body parts, starting with the tips of fingers or should he opt for brass knuckles and a baseball bat. So many ideas go through 33’s head for this is the only thing 33 has ever known how to do.



Passenger 4: Mr. Paul Thomas


Outward Appearance:


Tall, very stout man, in his late forties with a resending hair line, wearing his perfectly pressed royal blue Polo shirt, and like wise khaki pants.  A happy go lucky man who puts much thought in his attire.


Inside Information:


A middle of the road investment banker from New York, who cares nothing about his job or any possible advancement in the workplace. Currently on holiday and traveling abroad, paid for by his loving wife’s trust fund.  Headed to meet up with his lavish wife and their two precious offspring so they can go out and spend yet another small fortune.


What he is doing or thinking:


His thoughts are getting more advanced, on how he can convince his wife to allow him to leave that dreadful job of his.  This is what he would rather be doing, traveling the world, on her dime in search of young men that would allow him to take advantage of them and have frivolous one night stands.


If only his wife knew about the young file clerk in his office, what would she think?  She would just pay the lad off, so she could avoid the page six gossip page, and the scrutiny from her rich bitch socialite friends.


Suddenly he notices the young boy seating two rows up from him.  Oh how his skin is so perfectly smooth and rigid.  How can I get closer to this perfect creature?  


As he starts to devise his plan, he hears the old hag across from him, talking loudly to her companion, “Sir Elton John, What rubbish, the thought of that pervert is just sickening.”


His thoughts now dart back to his wife, and he realizes that his stop is the next one up. 



Passenger 5: Mrs. Aubrey Monet


Outward Appearance:


Caucasion Female- She has a tall statue and is very slim in size.  She has auburn hair, blue eyes, and a glow in her face, model like. Dressed in a professional but sexy business suit.  She has a Gucci bag and a laptop by her side that her left hand is sort of clutching, which is showing off the beautiful diamond ring and band which is on her wedding finger.


Inside Information:


She works at a high end fashion magazine.  She has worked her way up from a model to a top executive at the magazine.  She is an extremely nice person, but more often then not that can get her in trouble.  She is very soft spoken, but also demands respect and usually gets it because of her position and intelligence.  She lives in a beautiful house, with her husband, daughter who is seven and her son, who is five. Her children go to a nice private school only a few blocks away from their home.  Her husband is a lawyer and partner of a law firm.


What she is doing and thinking:


Last night she had a wonderful family night. Her and her husband cooked together, while the kids colored in coloring books. They then ate dinner and all watched a movie together afterwards.  She sometimes feels as though she lets the family down by not being a good enough wife and mother.  She doesn’t realize that in their eyes she is almost perfect.


She’s looking straight forward, nervously biting the sides of her nails.  With the look of deceit in her eyes and face, she is continuously thinking about the inappropriate after work cocktail she just had, while now on the way home to her husband.



Passenger 6: Laura Thackston


Outward appearance:


Short woman with dark brown hair in her early twenties. Dressed casually in blue jeans, a pink sweatshirt from a brand-name clothing store, and black Nike tennis shoes. Reading her Sociology textbook. Keeps glaring at the passenger to her right and sighs audibly.


Inside Information:


Second year college student at a local junior college. Majoring in Psychology, with an emphasis on Marriage & Family counseling (see passenger 4). Planning on graduating with an Associate's degree in a few months and transferring to her first choice University. Wants to get a B.S. in Psychology, then a Master's degree in Marriage & Family counseling. Can't wait to get the heck out of college.


What she is doing or thinking:


Wishing the man to her right would quit talking on his cell phone so that she could concentrate on studying. Doesn't this man know how difficult it is to concentrate with him yelling into his phone, acting like the person on the other end can't hear a word he's saying? Or, the fact that not only is she giving him dirty looks, but other passengers around him as well? Apparently he doesn't realize this, or doesn't care, because he cheerfully keeps bellowing into his phone like nothing is going on.


Passenger 7: Mr. Tom Weatherly

Outward appearance:

Disheveled looking, sitting down next to the window, appears to be in his mid 20’s.  He looks tired and awake at the same time.  He has spiked up, glittery hair, accentuated by vibrant baggy clothing. He stares out the window with a vacant look in his eyes.

Inside information:

An inspiring DJ who practices spinning on his turn tables daily with no sign of any improvement; he currently lives in his mom’s basement making what little money he can selling off items on EBay.  He doesn’t get along with his mom much.

What he is doing or thinking:

Where am I?  Tom’s thoughts were all a blur, he vaguely remembers fighting with his mom the night before, storming out of the house screaming, “You’ll never see me again!” then hoping on his bike and heading to the local pub.

When he arrived at the pub he met some of his pals, one called out, “Hey tom, you want to go with us to a rave in the city tonight?”  Reluctantly Tom said, “Sure” and then they were off to the train station. During the rave Tom did something he usually wouldn’t have, drugs.  He consumed pill after pill until his life started to spiral around him, he never felt more absent from thought. Friends began to call out “Tom, you better slow down, your not looking so hot”, that’s when Tom’s world went black (see passenger 11).

Tom’s next moment of consciousness was sitting in that train seat, heading back home, or at least that’s what he thought. Yet, did he know the train wasn’t going anywhere and hadn’t been for awhile, it was at a complete stand still, and Tom’s mind wandered to one mixed, murky thought, “how to I get here?”


Passenger 8: Ivan

Outward appearance:

His appearance was scary. He was a tall man with a long black coat on. His face was pale and his lips slightly purple. He looked of death and smelled of sewage. His pants were a worn out pair of blue jeans and his shoes were an old pair of boots.

Inside Information:

Ivan’s parents had adopted him when he was three years old and had raised him in the occult. Ivan spent his whole life learning about spells and witchcraft. His parents did not send him to school which is why he was now homeless and he spent his night riding the train until he figured out his next move. He hated people, especially happy people. He knew his life was worthless and that his mind was full of evil. But he wanted to change. He was tired of hating. He wanted to learn how to talk with people so that he could possibly one day enjoy the life.

What he is doing or thinking:

He knew that his appearance was the main thing that scared people off, that and the fact that he always sat at the back of the train. Maybe my destiny is to die as a hateful young man, who will never be missed, he thought. “Hey mister, why do you look so mad”? , he turned around and saw a little blonde girl sitting next to him. He didn’t say anything; the reason was because he thought that girl was just his imagination. “Would you like some chips”, said the girl. Everyone looked at him with fear in their eyes, waiting for his next move. He took some chips just to make sure that she was real. He wanted to say thanks but he was speechless. “This is my stop, keep the bag” she smiled and ran away. She gave him hope and for that he would change.


Passenger 9: Missy Anna Perks

Outward appearance:

Chocolate lab, paws covered by tiny pink tennis shoes, collar is covered in priceless jewels, but the jewels look to be fake because they are covered in city dirt and mud. She set herself in a seat and stuck her face to a window licking of the fingerprints of the previous passengers before. Her nametag only has her name. MISSY written on it. Nothing else.

Inside information:

 Missy is the dog of a rich family. She was traveling with her humans in a taxi. Once the door opened she quickly ran out before the owners had a chance to catch her leash. They are grieving her loss right now. She has been wandering around the city ever since.

What she is doing or thinking:

She feels her ears being scrubbed and a young man says to her, “How'd you get here?” he asks. She turns her head sideways not understanding this foreign language and stands on the seat that she had now soiled with mud and dirt. She stretches her neck and licks the man on the face. She can tell that he smells like candy and his lips taste like he had had some candy as well. The man steps back and starts to make spitting sounds, wiping his mouth. “What the…” He continues wiping his mouth. She wags her tail in excitement.

The man takes her by the collar and she moves away from him backing her doggie behind to the window. “Calm down,” she didn’t understand. “I’m checking your name tag.” He sighed. “Sit!” he said. Missy sat. The young man pets her. She sniffed him wanting a doggie treat. He notices that her nametag is blank save for the name. He sighs, pats her, and decides to keep her until the owner is found. Lord knows what anyone else would do with her (see passenger 10).


Passenger 10: Klue of Stormwind


Outward Apearance:


Klue is starved skinny, tall man around the age of 30. He hides his pale skin under a sweat-shirt that says “fuck the horde” across the front of it in big red bold lettering. His long black stringy hair is held in a ponytail. He is starring at a laptop, seemingly oblivious to pause of motion that his car has taken.


Inside Information:


Klue of Stormwind is a very devoted online gamer. In fact, Klue of Stormwind is but his alias that gives all of his fellow gamers something to identify him by amongst the deindividualizing world of warcraft. His mother given name is Lamar Greenewich, and he is a clerk at a video store that he was on is way to this very moment. Although all of his friends live hundreds to thousands of miles away he still find joy in the everyday questing, looting, and horde killing that any player of world of warcraft can appreciate.


What he is doing or thinking:


At the moment his car came to a complete stop so did his world. For at that moment the signal to his wireless laptop spiked. Causing a lag in is virtual reality experience. His character, that his eyes are held to, is frozen in time. This of course bothers Lamar at the highest degree. His life is paused, he is unsure where is character will be put once the lag in the server ends and he is again able to return to normal life. So for the moment Lamar is forced to sit in his misery, occasionally pounding the side of his screen hoping to “bump” his server back on track, as if it has become derailed.



Passenger 11: Miss Utopia Abbott


Outward Appearance:


About seventeen, some locks of her reddish blonde hair cover her left eye which is lazy. She has on a faded  Spice Girls shirt with jeans that have patches covering holes and a pair of dingy white Vans.


Inside Information:


She is a runaway. The train is her lifeline so to speak. Without the train her life would be mundane just hanging out in the alley with the other refugees (that’s what she and friends call themselves.) She loves to ride the train because she gets to meet new people everyday. On the train she meets the man who would change her life.


What she is thinking or doing:


She is thinking, damn why did I get off the train with that man three weeks ago? Yes, he was sexy, he reminds me of Orlando Bloom, with his dark curly hair and sparkling eyes. Something told me not to follow him home but I could not help myself. Now here I am three weeks pregnant. I am stuck carrying a man’s child and I don’t know even know his real name. What the hell am I going to do? Why can’t someone blow-up the train today, that would save me a lot of time and headache. I have only 4 pounds to my name. I don’t even know where to go to have an abortion. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! ITS HIM!!!!! (see passenger 7). 




Passenger 12: Jessica Cole


Outward Appearance:


Scholarly looking, black slacks and a pink blouse with high heels. Her hair is a light brown pulled back by a pink ribbon.


Inward Appearance:


Extremely stressed by being a full-time student, who is trying to graduate this semester, and by having a full-time job, which is demanding as well. She is determined and focused on her goals. She also doesn’t appreciate the horse-play that is going on in the seat behind her.


What He or She is Doing or Thinking:


Jessica is completely disturbed because of the two small children in the seat behind her. They are playing leap-frog and, consequently, keep kicking the back of her seat. She is just about ready to slap the children’s parents because they see that she is angry and refuse to do anything about their out-of-control kids. In fact, their father (who is sitting in the seat across the isle from Jessica) is hitting on her, giving her compliments and asking her on a date. At one point, he gets the balls to try and hold her hand, but she snatched back so fast that his eyes are probably still spinning. At this point, she notices a handsome young man seated a few rows in front of her (see passenger 8). She decides to introduce herself and also to get away from her stalker and his annoying children.



Passenger 13: Identity Withheld by Order of MI5


Outward Appearance:


A heavy set woman, middle aged, but looks younger. She has no wrinkles on her face and very smooth skin. She is a very pretty woman. She is wearing a stylish brown skirt with a stylish pink blouse and brown boots. She seems anxious to get where she is going.


Inside Information:


She is going to see her husband of 22 years, who she has not seen in 2 months. He was shipped off to do a job for the electric company he works for, forced to leave behind the woman he loves and his four wonderful children. She is excited and anxious to see the love of her life, her prince charming.


What she is doing or thinking:


Having four children, a house to keep up with, and her job as a second grade teacher is exhausting and she is relieved to be able to leave her children with her parents and get away for a little while. Also she is very anxious to see her husband… to kiss him… touch him….feel him.... She has not felt his touch in so long… and the longing to be with her husband is almost unbearable…  But she does miss her children and hopes they are okay.


As she sits and looks at the pictures of her children in her wallet and visits all the wonderful memories her and her husband have made, the wonderful life they have, how they are just as much in love now as they were 22 years ago. They have been faithful to each other all of these years… She quickly realizes she is in a daze and she must snap out of it, her stop is approaching quickly. She rises to head toward the door to get off the train and see her husband!



Passenger 14: J.J.


Outward Appearance:


Georgia’s finest. Well they call me Johnson, Jay, J.J., Jon Jon, or just Jon. I am smart, stylish, athletic, fast like Flash, cocky, and always level headed. If I see something that I like and want, I'll make it my goal to get it and no one will stop me. I am 175-180 pounds, brown skin, brown eyes, and well built. I am a fun person to be around; but if you don't get along with me then there is something wrong with you or I just don't like you.


Inside Information:


J.J. is a Gordon College student majoring in social work. He came to Gordon College looking for a better place then home but didn’t find it, He is going to try Kennesaw State University next fall, not saying that Gordon College isn’t a good school or anything but it can be better than what it is. He came to London for the summer with his girlfriend soon to be wife looking for some fun and to get away from everything before he got back to school.


What he is doing or thinking:


JJ is considering Kennesaw State's offer to run track. Also should he propose to his girlfriend later or now? Right now he is eating one of the biggest meals of his life and soon to be the last good one because his soon to be wife can’t cook if her life depended on it. Hopefully he would find her some kind of cooking classes or buy her a cook book to help her.

His also thinking how good looking he is?

Can anyone in the world be as fast as him?

How many kids does his wife want?

Is the dog OK with is 96 year old mom and dad?

If the Earth is truing as fast as everyone says, why doesn't any one fall off?

What if he was a girl?

How old will he live to be?

What will the year 3000 look like?


Passenger 15: Mr. Joe Newman


Outward Appearance:


Stubby, over the hill man, with sideburns and a beard.  Rough face, slightly bald with grey hair cut in a bowl cut.  He has on khaki pants with a blue button up shirt.


Inside Information:


He is on his way to visit this woman who he is having an affair with, behind his lover’s back, who is a man.  This is his third time taking this trip in 2 months.  He is about fed up with hiding this from Stan whom he is cheating on.  After this visit he is going to tell Stan and possibly end his relationship with him.


What he is Doing or Thinking:


He is not satisfied with his career life.  He is a used car salesman barely making ends meet.  He is headed toward a mid-life crises.


He is very confused as well he wants to be with both Stan and the woman but he doesn’t think that it will work out that way.  He is finding out that he is not only gay but he is bisexual instead.   This is putting a lot of stress on him making him balder and greyer then he ever could imagine.


He expects the trip to take about 2hrs as usual but there seems to be a change in schedule.  The change is he is aboard his final destination.