Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. ACCENTS ARE REQUIRED. You make them as follows: Lock your number pad on the right and hold down the alt key (use the pad on the RIGHT) while typing the following sequences: 130 é, 160 á, 161 í, 162 ó, 163 ú, 164 ñ
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate present tense of the reflexive verbs. Remember to also include reflexive pronouns.
1.Tú (despertarse) muy temprano.
2.Nosotros (levantarse) las siete.
3.Carlos (secarse) con una toalla.
4.¿Tú (lavarse) la cara?
5.Mamá (maquillarse) .
6.Los niños (bañarse) a las siete.
7.Yo me ducho después de (levantarse) .
8.Ana (ponerse) maquillaje.
9.Papá (afeitarse) con una máquina de afeitar.
10.¿Tú (pintarse) las uñas por la mañana.