Chaos Across the Sciences
Study Guide
student should be able to know and understand the following things:
What is the Butterfly
Effect, how was it discovered and why is it important?
What does sensitive
dependence on initial conditions mean?
What is a bifurcation
What does the
"onset of chaos" signify?
What is a fractal?
Be able to describe or
diagram three different types of fractals.
Material to be included by the final:
What is an
attractor? What is a strange attractor?
What is turbulence and what theories
(unsuccessful and sucessful) have been used to explain it?
What is Universality? What mathematical
representation did Feigenbaum use to display the behavior of
equations as they were iterated?
What was Libchaber's experiment and why is it
important? How did Libchaber analyze his data to arrive at
his results?
What is the Mandelbrot set and how is it
arrived at? How does the Mandelbrot set related to all Julia
What was the Dynamical Systems Collective's
powerful yet simple demonstration of the formation of strange
In each
case the student should be able to give a definition, an explanation
and provide an application of the concept involved.