English 1102 Composition ~ Fall 2015 Syllabus & Schedule

Prerequisite:  C or better in English 1101

Dr. Anna Dunlap Higgins

This syllabus is also available on my faculty web page.

Academic 103L        a_higgins@gordonstate.edu    Office Hours:  MTWR 8:15-9:30 and MTW 12:15-1:15     

Part One:  The Course


Departmental Course Description

·         English 1102 is a composition course emphasizing interpretation and evaluation that incorporates a variety of advanced research methods.


Departmental Objectives for the Course

·         Students will be able to conduct independent research in a variety of disciplines and evaluate that research to produce informed, thoughtful contributions to scholarly and professional issues

·         Students will be able to craft their writing to suit a variety of audiences and rhetorical purposes in both electronic and traditional formats

·         Students will be able to apply critical thinking concepts such as inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and moral reasoning to their own texts and to the texts of others.

·         Students will be able to analyze and evaluate their own texts and the texts of others for tone, style, purpose, audience, and errors of logic.

·         Students will be able to evaluate and synthesize a variety of primary and secondary resources with their own thinking to create structured, persuasive, and sustained arguments.


Texts & Materials 

·         Required text:  Henderson et al Literature and Ourselves: A Thematic Introduction for Readers & Writers, 6th Ed. 

·          Miscellaneous:  Pens (blue or black), loose-leaf paper, some type of binder to keep up with materials for class, and miscellaneous materials for the research project and the oral presentation. 

·         Computer Access:   I will email you this syllabus, announcements, and several other important items throughout the term, and I will hold you responsible for checking your Gordon email every day.


Course Assessment & Evaluation

·         Daily Grade                                                                                                                           25%

·         Literary Analysis Essay Quizzes                                                                                          No Grade/practice for final

·         Term Research Portfolio                                                                                                    35%

·         Oral Presentation Skit, Group Packet, & Individual Write Up                                      15%

·         Final Exam: In-Class Literary Analysis                                                                               25%  


MW 1102 Final Exam:

Monday, December 7 at 10:15 – 12:15

In-Class Literary Analysis Essay

Daily Work Folders returned for those who have hit optional due dates. 




Part Two:  Policies   



·         Definition of Daily Grade  The Daily Grade is includes but is not limited to “full and mature” attendance, homework, rough drafts, group meetings, individual presentation write ups, group critiques, activities, and reader’s logs.  “Full and mature” is determined at my discretion; watch out in particular for tardiness and other distracting behaviors such as texting, as those behaviors will result in penalties. 

·         Make Ups, Late Work & Procedure    First, I’ll talk about Daily Grade work, all of which is worth ten points apiece.  When you are absent, you will miss the attendance points that day, but if you have documentation for the absence and something is due, you can get it to me as quickly as possible as long as you and I discuss the matter on email. Homework is not actually due until the Final Exam, so it cannot be late until then. If a Mini-Research assignment is late, it will receive a two-point penalty per day.  I will drop three Daily Grade zeros for everyone.  I firmly believe that students benefit from attending in-seat classes, so If your Daily Grade is below 60%, you will automatically receive a zero in this area of assessment as that means there was some grave issue involved that has made you “fail” that portion of the class.  Second, Literary Essay quiz make ups will be decided if and when that issue arises for you, but do expect to show me documentation for the absence.  Third, if you miss your Oral Presentation, you will receive a zero.  Forth is the Term Research Project.  I will accept this assignment late, but I will apply a five point penalty per day to it.  Fifth, missing the final exam earns students at GSC an automatic WF.

·         Conduct & Academic Misconduct     Respect others’ privacy and their right to hear the teacher.  I will expect this kind of behavior at every class meeting; then during workshops and draft reviews, I will expect you to respect the dignity of all my students.  The Essay Quizzes and Final Exam Essay must be written in our classroom by you.  If you accidentally take a page of an in-class essay out of the room, the essay will not be graded.  The Term Research Portfolio Paper must be written solely by you, though you may seek appropriate tutoring assistance from the SSC.  I do not tolerate cheating, plagiarism, or collusion.  (See below for a definition of collusion.)  Do not work with anyone on your Mini-Research assignments or the Homework.  You must follow these and all other college-mandated policies about academic conduct and academic honesty discussed in the Gordon State College catalog.  Failing to do so will result in one or all of the following:  a zero on the assignment, a file report in the appropriate disciplinary office, and an F for the course.   

·         Figuring the Term Grade   Much of our work will receive numerical scores, but you will need to know grade equivalents for the Term Project and Final Exam:  A+ 97; A 94; A- 90; B+ 87; B 84; B- 80; C+ 77: C 74; C- 70; D+ 67; D 64; D- 60; F 59-0 (see the Paper Evaluation Scale on my Website).  Use the worksheet below to figure out your grade at any point in the term, but note that a lot of our final scores do not come until the very end—so do not procrastinate. 

                Daily Grade                                                                                                                           _____ x .25 =       _______                                               Research Portfolio                                                                                                               _____ x .35 =       _______

                Oral Presentation                                                                                                                _____ x .15=        _______

                Final Exam                                                                                                                             _____ x .25 =       _______  

                *The total is your term grade.                                                                                                           =             ______


Miscellaneous Important Items: 

·         Because I take writing recommendations very seriously, I prepare them only for students I have taught for two full semesters. 

·         If you believe you are eligible for a disability accommodation, please call the campus A.D.A. coordinator at 678/359-5326.  No accommodation can be made without a memo from that office.   

·         According the Division of Humanities, collusion is unauthorized collaboration wherein one receives assistance beyond the norm.  While it is appropriate to seek another’s help in developing one’s skills, it is not appropriate to have another person apply those skills on one’s behalf.  An example of collusion would be a student handing an essay draft to a fellow student, a parent, a former teacher (etc) who then simply corrects errors.  If authorship of a work or a demonstrated mastery of an applied skill can be attributed to others beyond the individual student, then collusion has occurred.  If I suspect collusion, I will assign a zero to the assignment.

·         See Title IX Addendum.


 Part Three:  The Schedule        


How to Follow the Schedule

·         Read this schedule carefully, staying ahead whenever possible, always knowing due dates, and definitely reading all the stuff in parentheses.  You are responsible for knowing every single item on this schedule. J

·         Bring Literature and Ourselves every day that the schedule lists Lit activity, Lit discussion, or essay quiz.  Bring other materials as noted on the schedule. 

·         I recommend editing your syllabus so that it works perfectly for you:  add highlight and underline; change font size; do whatever it takes so that you can quickly see what is due and when and so you recall all course policies.


“Lit Discussion” Reading List  

The following are the works you need to read at home before the “Lit Discussion” dates on the schedule, as these are works you will write the Essay Quizzes on—so being prepared for discussion will help your papers immensely:  O’Brien (799-803), Rios (903), Allende (1000-1008), Bell (741-751), Walker (913-919), and O’Connor (1075-1087).  Our “Lit Activity” readings do not need to be read ahead of time, as they are a surprise; afterwards, record the authors’ names and page numbers because you’ll write about some of these on the Final Exam. 


Our Tentative MW Schedule for Fall 2015

Note that you are responsible for knowing all details of this schedule.



W12       Welcome, Syllabus Review, & a word about the Term Research Portfolio and Oral Presentation  


M17        Lit Activity  

W19       Lit Activity; MR One Due at the beginning of the class (Be sure to give me your Daily Work Folder, as I will be keeping it for you all semester.)


M24        Composition Lecture & Assignment of the Term Research Portfolio and Oral Presentation

W26       Lit Activity; MR Two Due at the beginning of the class  


M31        Meet & Greet Conferences & Activities


W2          Meet & Greet continues; MR Three Due at the beginning of the class


M7          No Class: GSC Labor Day Holiday!

W9          Comp Lecture (quoting); Lit Activity; MR Four Due at beginning of class


M14        Lit Discussion: O’Brien and Rios

W16       Anchor that Quote Activity; Drawing for Decade Selection; MR Five due at beginning of class; HW 1-5 optional due date


M21        Essay Quiz One

W23       Lit Discussion:  Allende and Bell; MR Six due at beginning of class


M28        No Class:  Midterm Standing Conferences in my office by appointment (GSC’s official midterm date is October 5)

W30       No Class:  Conferences continue; MR Seven due by 5:00 p.m.


M5          Lit Discussion:  Walker and O’Connor

W7          Lit Activity            


M12        No Class:  GSC Fall Break

W14       Assignment of Decade Group for Oral Presentation; Group Meeting One; “Secret Names” due  


M19        Essay Quiz Two; Typed, double spaced rough draft of the Research Paper component of the Portfolio due (make sure to put your real name on this draft, as only I will see it; there are no points available, as this is an opportunity I am offering)

W21       Composition Lecture:  Discussion of the Portfolio and Oral Presentation; HW 6-10 optional due date


M26        Portfolio Workshop (Directions:  bring a typed, double spaced draft of both your Time Line and the Annotated Bibliography—using your Secret Name.  If they are with you at the beginning of class and they are “mostly” complete, you will receive ten points for each.  Come to class even if you do not have these documents prepared because there will be a group meeting and because you can at least get attendance points.); Group Meeting Two

W28       Portfolio Workshop (Directions:  bring a typed, double spaced draft of both your Cultural and Political Overviews—using your Secret Name. If these documents are with you at the beginning of class and they are fully complete, you will receive ten points for each.  Note that before you leave the room, you must turn in your Reader’s Log so that you can get the day’s attendance points. Come to class even if you do not have the rough drafts that are due because reading the class’ drafts will help guide you and because there are other points available.)


M2          Portfolio Workshop (Directions:  bring a typed, double spaced draft of Research Paper with your Secret Name on it.  If this document is with you at the beginning of class and is fully or “almost fully” complete, you will receive ten points for it.  Note that before you leave the room, you must turn in your Reader’s Log so that you can get the day’s attendance points. Come to class even if you do not have the rough draft because reading the class’ drafts will help guide you and because there are other points available.)

W4          Portfolio Workshop (Directions:  nothing is due; I will still be finishing up working with drafts); Group Meeting Three


M9          Portfolio Workshop (Directions:  nothing is due; I will still be finishing up working with drafts); Group Meeting Four (Directions:  Sign up your location selection for Group Meeting Five; I will assign group sequence numbers)

W11       Portfolios due to my office at the beginning of class; No Class; Group Meeting Five:  The Run Through (Directions:  Give everyone about ten minutes to turn in the Portfolio and to get to the meeting.  Then you should do a complete run through, watching especially for timing and body placement—no backs to the audience.  By this point, you should have discussed with me any “noise” that your group will make, and you should have also assigned a classmate outside your group to be your Door Handler and your Time Keeper.  Make sure that the group minutes are completed and ready for turn in and that all individuals will have their materials ready as well.)


M16        Oral Presentation Skits performed; Group Packet due for groups presenting today; Group Pictures

W18       Oral Presentation Skits continue; Group Packet due for groups presenting today; Group Pictures


M23        “Anchored” Activity; watch email for notification about picking up graded Research Portfolios and group packets

W25       No Class:   GSC Thanksgiving Holiday 25-27


M30        Final Exam preparation; HW 11 -15 optional due date


W2          TBA




MW 1102 Final Exam:

Monday, December 7 at 10:15 – 12:15

Literary Analysis Essay

Daily Work Folders returned to those who have hit optional due dates; if you have not turned in your HW assignments yet, be sure to turn them in before you leave the exam.